GraphQL Observability

by Marc-Andre Giroux

The book Observability Engineering by Charity Majors, Liz Fong-Jones, George Miranda (highly recommended) starts with an explanation of what “Observability” is, and how to know if you software has it. They propose a small litmus test for determining the answer. The test is basically a set of questions you should be able to answer about the state and inner workings of your app.

Combined with Jenn’s recent tweet about wanting to have more resources on what kind of metrics GraphQL servers should collect to help debugging, I thought it would be pretty cool to have a list of “question you must be able to answer about your GraphQL server”. It’s really hard to be precise without knowing the architecture you’re working on, so the questions are probably the best we can do for now! I’ll add some general tips at the end. This is meant to be on top of typical observability requirements of an HTTP server / computerz in general.


Some Tips

That’s it! I’ll try to keep this post up to date with your suggestions and as I think of more questions.

Thanks to and for the discussions and feedback.